Entertainment startup Likewise has launched a new recommendations hub that pulls from all the different streaming platforms to give you personalized picks.

Likewise TV is a streaming hub powered by machine learning, people from the Likewise community, and other streaming services. The service aims to do away with mindlessly scrolling through a menu, looking for something to watch, or jumping from one app to another by providing a single location for recommendations.

Likewise TV recommends shows by curating ratings and reviews from community members and your friends list. You can then launch whichever streaming service hosts the content from the Likewise app. You can also create a personal Watchlist to keep track of your shows.

Note that Likewise TV is purely an aggregator. You still need to have a subscription to watch Atlanta on Hulu, Bridgerton on Netflix, or whatever service is required for any other recommendation.

Setting it up is relatively easy. Likewise TV will ask you a few questions about your favorite genre and shows before creating your profile. You’ll find some tabs on the left that tell you what’s trending on the other platforms and what’s recommended by Likewise itself.

Likewise TV also includes several celebrity profiles and shows you what they’re watching. You can find the likes of Bill Gates and Paris Hilton on the platform.

The service is currently available on iOS and Android devices and any smart TVs that support the Likewise service.

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