2007 and the Best Seller E-Book

Using those economics, it’s easy to see why many people, especially heavy readers, were excited about the growing potential of e-readers. Not only could they cart a library around with them, but they could save a ton of money while doing so. Then again, things aren’t quite so simple.

The Price Gap Between Books and E-Books Narrows

It’s important to understand that the prices of hardback books, paperback books, and e-books will shift and vary, depending on market conditions, so it’s entirely possible that e-books will at times have an average cost that’s higher than either hard back or paperback books.

Garage Sales vs. Free Classics 

Free Reading Software

Upgrading Your E-Reader Hardware

Finally, there is upgrading to factor in. Many people who bought an e-reader three or four years ago still use their device. However, as is the case with any electronics, every subsequent iteration brings new features and improvements, so some people end up buying new hardware. Whether they sell their old e-reader or pass it along to someone else, that does change the equation. If you upgrade before you’ve bought enough e-books to recoup the cost of your original e-reader, then you’re in the hole and not saving money by going electronic.

But no matter how the math works in your case, you still have the satisfaction of books on demand in your pocket.

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