It’s easy to dismiss the Microsoft Surface Pro as an also-ran in the mobile category. However, this overlooks how the evolution of tablets is bringing the competition back to Microsoft. Even though Microsoft failed to connect with mobile technology, it’s the leader in the enterprise. As Surface has evolved, it’s become one of the go-to hybrid tablets. But is it as good as an iPad Pro? We compared the iPad Pro to the Surface Pro to help you decide which will work best for you.

Overall Findings

These devices give solid performance and many customization options for working or playing on the go. They also provide access to hundreds of apps in the companies’ respective app stores. And, the price points for iPad Pro and Surface Pro are more or less comparable, depending on the device configuration you select.

  • The operating system is optimized for mobile.

  • Apps are designed for touch.

  • Secure out of the box.

  • Apps are vetted before being made available for download at the App Store.

  • Liquid Retina display, 7-megapixel front-facing camera, and 12-megapixel rear-facing camera.

  • Runs Windows and desktop applications.

  • Greater flexibility and open file system leave it open to attack.

  • Takes a performance hit because the operating system isn’t optimized for mobile.

  • Easy to upgrade the processor, RAM, and storage.

  • PixelSense Display, 5-megapixel front-facing camera, and 8-megapixel rear-facing camera.

The biggest difference between these two tablets comes down to Windows vs. iPadOS. If you want a true tablet that’s secure, iPad Pro is a fantastic choice. If you need to run the full desktop version of apps like Microsoft Office and Adobe Photoshop, check out Surface Pro.

Apps: Mobile vs. Desktop Apps

The number-one deciding factor between the Surface Pro and the iPad Pro is the apps. When most people buy a computer, they mostly care about what they can do with it—in other words, the software that can run on it.

  • iPadOS is optimized for mobile.

  • Runs mobile versions of software, including Office.

  • The App Store has mobile-optimized alternatives to desktop applications.

  • Runs the Windows desktop operating system.

  • Install desktop versions of Office and Photoshop.

  • Apps that run well in laptop mode don’t run as smoothly when the device is in tablet mode.

The Surface Pro runs a full version of the Windows operating system. This gives it more customizable features, access to an open file system, and access to powerful software, including the desktop versions of Office and Photoshop.

Where the iPad Pro shines is having apps that are designed for a touch-based computer. Much of the software that runs on Windows is designed for a mouse or touchpad. This may not be a big deal if you use the Surface Pro smart keyboard, which includes a touchpad. However, one reason to buy a Surface Pro is to use it as a laptop and a tablet. Unfortunately, not all software runs smoothly when you use your fingers.

The software you use comes down to what you need. If you need software that is only available on the Windows platform, you need a Windows device. But, the Apple App Store is filled with great alternatives, and you can do a lot in a web browser. Windows has an advantage in the enterprise. At home, the iPad is king.

Security: Can’t Beat iPad out of the Box

Security is a priority for everyone. The idea that a computer can be hijacked and files or data held for ransom should be enough to worry anyone.

  • Secure out of the box.

  • Apps must pass a security check before being made available for download.

  • Open file system leaves Surface Pro vulnerable to attack.

  • Antivirus software is strongly recommended.

In terms of malware like viruses and ransomware, the iPad is a more secure device. Windows offers more flexibility in terms of an open file system, but this openness makes Windows computers vulnerable to attack. The iPad places each app—and that app’s documents—in a separate environment, an environment that no other app can access. As a result, the iPad cannot be infected by a virus, and the files on the iPad cannot be held hostage.

Apple’s curated App Store is also a boon for those who worry about security. Malware can slip past the App Store, but it’s rare, and such malware is caught within weeks. The biggest malware threat to the iPad comes through the web browser, where a web page may pretend to hold the iPad hostage. To thwart these attacks, close the web page or the web browser.

Performance: iPad Pro Offers More Bang for the Buck

It’s easy to list technical specifications and benchmarks. Still, specifications don’t matter much when comparing a device that has a mobile operating system with a device that has a desktop operating system. The Surface Pro is more of a laptop than a tablet. It has many customization options, including upgrading the processor, boosting the RAM, and adding storage.

  • Optimized for mobile.

  • Better value in lower-end models than Surface Pro.

  • Runs apps designed for mobile, which take up less storage space.

  • More of a laptop than a tablet.

  • Many customization options mean that you can get the device you want.

  • Runs apps designed for desktop, which take up more storage space, require faster processors, and need more RAM.

At the top end, the 2017 Surface Pro runs on an Intel Core i7 processor, includes 16 gigabytes (GB) of RAM for applications, and has a 1-terabyte solid-state disk for storage. It also has a price tag of around $2,699, which means you could buy three iPad Pro tablets and have money left over.

For most, the top-end Surface Pro is overkill. But, the low-end Surface Pro is underkill, especially considering the $799 entry price. This Surface Pro costs the same as the entry-level 12.9-inch iPad Pro. However, the A10x processor in the iPad Pro runs circles around the Intel Core m3 processor in the entry-level Surface Pro.

Here’s where it gets interesting. The 4 GB of RAM in the iPad Pro provides plenty of room for apps and makes multitasking smooth. The same 4 GB of RAM in an entry-level Surface Pro slows the tablet down, even if it’s running only one application. This is where the differences in operating systems play a huge role.

The same can be said for the amount of storage. The 128 GB in a low-end Surface Pro may sound like a lot compared to 32 GB in the iPad Pro, but it’s not. The software takes up more room on the Surface Pro than on the iPad Pro because it’s desktop software, not software optimized for a mobile device.

If you’re thinking about the Surface Pro, target the Intel Core i5 processor with 8 GB of RAM and 256 GB of storage—at a minimum. This configuration brings the cost up to $1,299 but gives you a few more years of use than the lower-end model. This extended use makes up for the price difference.

This model also compares well with the iPad Pro. The iPad Pro may have more raw processing power, but the Intel Core i5 processor in the Surface Pro should be enough for most people. The next step up the ladder is the Surface Pro with an Intel Core i7 processor, which costs $1,599 but runs faster than the latest iPad Pro.

Display and Cameras: Apple Continues to Push Boundaries

Apple consistently pushes the boundaries of device displays. When Apple introduced the Retina display, it revolutionized high-density pixels in mobile devices. Now, most smartphones and tablets are crystal clear.

  • True Tone display offers an amazing range of colors and supports ultra-high definition (HD)

  • Offers 600-nit–level brightness.

  • 7-megapixel front-facing camera.

  • 12-megapixel rear-facing camera capable of shooting 4K video.

  • PixelSense Display is solid.

  • 5-megapixel front-facing camera.

  • 8-megapixel rear-facing camera capable of shooting HD video.

Apple did it again with the 9.7-inch iPad Pro, which it introduced in 2016. The True Tone display offers an amazing range of colors and supports ultra-HD. It also alters the colors on the screen based on ambient lighting. This generates a realistic reaction when transitioning between sunlight and indoor lighting or shade. The 2017 iPad Pro models take this display technology a step forward by offering 600-nit–level brightness. This means that the iPad Pro display generates more light, which results in a better picture.

The 12.9-inch and 10.5-inch iPad Pro models easily win the display award. However, you may not notice the difference unless you hold an iPad Pro side by side with the Surface Pro, which has a good display, as well.

The iPad Pro also comes with a better set of cameras. Its 7-megapixel front-facing camera is slightly better than the 5-megapixel camera in the Surface Pro. It’s the back-facing camera that sets the iPad Pro apart. The Surface Pro has an 8-megapixel rear-facing camera capable of shooting HD video. In contrast, the 2017 iPad Pro models have a 12-megapixel camera. It’s capable of shooting 4K video.

Keyboard and Stylus: It’s a Toss-Up

The focus of the Microsoft commercials that show off the Surface tablet is the smart keyboard that connects to it. That keyboard doesn’t come with the Surface Pro. Also, the Surface Pro 4 includes the Surface Pen, and the 2017 Surface Pro doesn’t.

  • Doesn’t come with a smart keyboard but works with many Bluetooth keyboard models.

  • Doesn’t come with a stylus, but the Apple Pencil is a nice—though expensive—addition.

  • Doesn’t come with a smart keyboard but works with many Bluetooth keyboard models.

  • Unlike the Surface Pro 4, it doesn’t come with a stylus.

The iPad Pro has a smart keyboard and the Apple Pencil, which is a high-tech stylus. Neither peripheral comes with the iPad Pro.

Skip the smart keyboard with either device when making your initial purchase. You may be amazed at how much you can get done using the on-screen keyboard. If you do a lot of typing, the smart keyboard is a nice addition, although it will set you back $150. The iPad Pro works with most Bluetooth keyboards.

The same goes for the stylus. These are great for artists, but you may find that a cheap stylus works just as well for your needs.

Price: iPad Pro Is a Better Deal

The entry-level 10.5-inch iPad Pro starts at $649, which is $150 less than the entry-level Surface Pro. However, this isn’t an even comparison. The iPad Pro is faster than the Surface Pro with an Intel Core m3 processor, but the Surface Pro has a larger (12.3-inch) display.

  • Lower entry-level price.

  • Comparing the 12.9-inch iPad Pro with 256 GB of storage against the Surface Pro with Intel Core i5 processor, 8 GB of RAM, and 256 GB of storage, the iPad Pro is considerably less expensive.

  • Entry-level Surface Pro has a larger display.

  • Comparing the 12.9-inch iPad Pro with 256 GB of storage against the Surface Pro with Intel Core i5 processor, 8 GB of RAM, and 256 GB of storage, the Surface Pro offers similar performance to the iPad but at a higher price point.

The fairest comparison is the Surface Pro with an Intel Core i5 processor, 8 GB of RAM, and 256 GB of storage with the 12.9-inch iPad Pro with 256 GB of storage. The iPad Pro is faster and has a slightly larger display, but the specs for the two devices are mostly the same, except for the price. The iPad Pro with this configuration costs $899, which is less than the $1,299 Surface Pro.

Apple is known for having steep prices for its line of laptops and desktops, but the iPad has been one of the best deals in tech since its release. Every release seems to raise the bar in terms of performance in a laptop, and the price remains under $1,000 for most models.

Final Verdict: It All Depends on What You’ll Do With It

Whether you choose the iPad Pro or the Surface Pro depends on what you plan to do with the device. If you primarily want a laptop, the Surface Pro with the additional smart keyboard is the way to go. It runs Windows and desktop software, offers more configuration options, and can be used as a tablet. If you mainly want a tablet, the iPad Pro offers the best tablet experience at a lower cost. It’s optimized for mobile but, with a smart keyboard, it converts to a capable laptop.

The biggest factor is Windows vs. iPadOS. Even if you like the better security and lower price tag of the iPad Pro, if you must use software that only runs on Windows, the Surface Pro is the only choice. If open access to files or plugging in flash drives is a big deal, the Surface Pro wins. But, if you aren’t tied to Windows software, the iPad Pro provides more power at a cheaper price, has a better display and superior cameras, and is more secure out of the box.

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