Changing the DNS on Android used to be the domain of those who rooted their devices, but this is no longer the case with later iterations of the popular operating system.

Do note that this only works on Wi-Fi networks. The DNS servers cannot be changed when using a cellular network, as it would mean the connection would fail. Additionally, this is on a per network basis. This means that if you connect to a new network, you will have to repeat the setup process. Fortunately, it is a one-time task, and Android will remember the DNS settings for known networks.

What is DNS?

As a brief overview, DNS is the phonebook of the Internet. Every time you type “” into your browser, the DNS converts this request into an IP address which it then uses to locate and deliver the site to your device. As humans, we could never remember hundreds of IP addresses, but we can remember named sites like “”.

Why use other DNS?

While the DNS used to handle this request is important, not all DNS is the same. Changing your default or ISP DNS to either OpenDNS or Google DNS brings with it some benefits:

  • Speeds up your browsing experience through central load balancing and caching
  • Makes browsing more secure as these providers negate many of the attacks and requests that are harmful in nature
  • Can enhance privacy with temporary logs deleted after forty-eight hours and non-personally-identifiable information kept in permanent logs.

Using your default DNS from your ISP may not provide these benefits, so it is worth considering.

Change the DNS settings

  1. From the Android Menu home screen, tap “Settings.”

  2. Tap “Wi-Fi” on the menu, and you will see a list of the networks your phone is able to discover.

  3. Press and hold the name of the network you want to change. Once the information box appears, select “Modify Network.”

On some devices you may need to click the “Advanced Option” which is just underneath the “Show Password” checkbox to see further settings.

  1. To adjust your Android DNS settings, you will need to switch the IP settings from DHCP to “Static.” Once changed, the menu will appear with the DNS settings that are available to edit. Don’t worry about editing the IP address, as the Android device will fill in the IP address it has acquired through DHCP. Navigate down to “DNS1” and “DNS2” at the bottom of the options window. Tap this and add the OpenDNS servers: “” and “”

Lastly, click save and test the settings by opening your web browser and navigating to, where you will see a confirmation message.

Google DNS

To use Google DNS servers, the principal is the same as above until you reach point 4. At that point change the DNS resolvers to “” and “” instead of the Open DNS ones.

Whichever system you select, changing the DNS on an Android device is quick and easy. It can make you safer online, and following this guide, you can enhance your browsing experience. Let us know about your experience in the comments.

Matt has worked in the tech industry for many years and is now a freelance writer. His experience is within Windows, Linux, Privacy and Android.

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