When it comes to wallpaper on your phone, it can either be still or live wallpaper. Some users may even put a personal picture as their wallpaper. If you want to try something different, why not add a GIF as wallpaper to your Android device? You’ll finally be able to stare at your favorite GIF all day.

How to Add a GIF as Live Wallpaper

There are a few ways you can get your GIF. You can either download it from Google or a GIF app, and you can always have your friend send you a good one.

The app that makes all of this possible is GIF Live Wallpaper. It’s a free and easy to use app. The first thing that it will show you is the terms and conditions, but it’s up to you if you read them. You will need to grant the app access to your files. To add a GIF, tap on the Download button at the top left.

After uploading your GIF, it’s going to be small and surrounded by black. If you add the GIF as your wallpaper as is, you’re only going to see black on your home screen.

To make your GIF bigger, use the pinch and zoom gesture to size it the way you want. The way the GIF looks while you’re editing is how it’s going to be displayed on your home/lock screen.

To move it around you can either do it manually or tap on the uneven icons. A set of arrows will appear. Tap where you want the GIF to be placed, and it will be moved automatically.

You can turn the GIF  in any direction by tapping on the 90-degrees option, and if you don’t want to make your GIF too big and want to add some color to the background, you can do that too.

To either reduce or increase the speed of the GIF, tap on the running man icon. When you tap on it, a slider will appear, and it will be set in the middle by default. To make the GIF slower, slide to the left, and to make it faster, slide it to the right.

How to Preview Your GIF in Landscape Mode

Tap on the hamburger icon at the top-right, and toggle on the option that says Enable landscape.  By enabling this option, you can see what your GIF is going to look like in that mode if your launcher allows it.

If it does allow it, you will see a Landscape preview option. Once you tap on it, what your GIF will look like in Landscape will be seen in a small window at the bottom. You can still make changes while you’re here if you feel that it’s necessary to do so.

The Finishing Touch

When you’re done editing your GIF, tap on the checkmark at the bottom-right to confirm. Tap on the “Set as Wallpaper” button, and you’re good to go. The final steps are self explanatory.


Now you can look at your favorite GIF all day. Thanks to this app, you can modify it so it can play just the way you like it. What GIF will you be adding as your wallpaper?

Just a simple guy that can’t enough of Technology in general and is always surrounded by at least one Android and iOS device. I’m a Pizza addict as well.

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