Challenge Log in Final Fantasy XIV is a set of weekly tasks you can unlock and complete to gain rewards. It is not mandatory to do so but we recommend you do them as the rewards are worth it. You can complete the tasks to farm Experience and Gils. But the Challenge Log is not available from the beginning. You will have to unlock it by completing some quests. In this article, we will tell you how you can unlock the Challenge Log in FFXIV.

How to Unlock Challenge Log in Final Fantasy XIV

Challenge Log is a vital piece of the game. At Level 15, you will be eligible to unlock it. Then you will have to do the following things to unlock the Challenge Log:

  • You will have to complete the “Call of the Sea” quest
  • Completing the “Call of the Sea” quest will unlock the “Rising to the Challenge” quest
  • Go to Limsa Lominsa Upper Deck
  • Talk to I’tolwann NPC
  • Accept the “Rising to the Challenge” quest
  • Walk across the Upper Deck and talk to another NPC called Quentenain
  • Head over to the Fisher’s Guild
  • Talk to Wastlleid and hand over the journal to him
  • He will hand you a new journal to you
  • Select which reward you want and the quest is complete
  • You will get a prompt “Challenge Log Obtained”

To access the Challenge Log in Final Fantasy XIV, go to your Main Menu. There under “Logs”, you will find the Challenge Log.

You can choose between the following challenge categories:

  • Battles
  • PvP
  • FATE
  • Levequests
  • Crafting & Gathering
  • Treasure Hunt
  • Beast Tribes
  • Grand Company
  • Retainers
  • Gold Saucer
  • Eureka
  • Complete

Each category will have a different objective to do and rewards for it. The challenges will reset every week. Complete them along with your main quests to level up faster. That is all from us on how to unlock Challenge Log in Final Fantasy XIV. You will find more helpful guides like How to unlock the Island Sanctuary in our Final Fantasy XIV section.